Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) is a factory built steel structure, shipped in pieces and bolted together at the site, covered using corrugated steel sheets. PEB structures are fast to build, durable, sustainable and suitable for small as well as very large buildings. PEB are widely used for factories, warehouses, airports, metro and rail stations, stadiums and such other buildings.
How does
GS TPO help?
The corrugated steel roof absorbs heat during the day and transmits the same inside the building, heating up the environment inside. This requires higher and more efficient cooling / HVAC system to keep the area comfortable for humans and machines. In turn, this increases electricity consumption, putting pressure on resources.
Besides this, over time, fastener holes on the roof tend to expand due to weathering forces, roof corrosion, creating holes / gaps in the roof – all leading to water leakages.
GreenShield TPO Roofing membrane system is a single solution for both heat shielding and waterproofing the roof. Due to its high SRI values with high emissivity – it reflects back over 90% of the sun’s heat and energy, thus insulating the roof below – providing a drop of almost 8o C. The highly durable and flexible nature of the membrane does not allow water to percolate below, this waterproofing at the same time.
GreenShield TPO membrane is highly resistant to tears, impacts and punctures; combined with good elasticity and tensile, is guaranteed to perform over 15 years and beyond, making it a cost effective investment in protecting the building.
Application Methodology
The installation is very simple and most convenient in comparison to other waterproofing membranes. 10,000 sq ft can be easily installed in under 10 days.
The complete system build is mechanically fastened over the PEB roof. Vapour barrier, insulation boards, cover board followed by the membrane is built up and mechanically fastened onto the roof, while the overlaps of the TPO over the fasteners are heat welded – thus making the whole roof seamless with no exposure. Edges are capped using TPO coated metal, again heat welded with the membrane, allowing water to drain off easily. Accessories to cover corners, drain pipes, protrusions are used for easy installation.
Application Examples

Factory Building

Residential Building


GS Products
- GS TPO Membrane 1.5 RF
- GS TPO Membrane 1.2 RF BG
- 20 MM 10 mtr pre-holed strips
- 25 MM 10 mtr pre-holed grip strips
- 25 MM fasteners with Nylon washer plugs